Have you been involved in a car accident in New York state? If so, you may be wondering what your options are for receiving additional personal injury protection (OBEL). OBEL is optional basic economic loss coverage. It can provide you with some financial assistance if you’ve been injured in a car accident. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what OBEL is and how it can help you after an accident.

What is OBEL and how does it differ from PIP coverage in New York state

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is the default auto insurance requirement and covers up to $50,000 of a policyholder’s economic losses. However, when those funds are exhausted, Optional Basic Economic Loss (OBEL) is available as an additional coverage option. Through OBEL, policyholders can receive up to $25,000 more in funds to cover any medical expenses. You don’t have to involve your own health insurance policy – resulting from an auto accident. In this way, OBEL can serve as a safeguard against unexpected costs. It will provide $75,000 maximum coverage in the event of an accident related injury.

How can adding OBEL to your policy help you financially if you’re injured in an accident

Adding additional personal injury protection or OBEL optional basic economic loss to your policy can be beneficial move. It can provide additional funds that could help reduce the difficult financial consequences of being involved in an accident. These additional funds cover medical expenses, hospital bills, and lost wages. Not only can it provide additional funding for these costs, but it also can give people peace of mind. Taking this additional step when it comes to insurance policies provides a safeguard. It can spare people from unnecessary financial strain should they ever suffer an injury due to an automobile accident.

Why you might need more than the minimum coverage amount for personal injury protection

It’s possible that the minimum coverage amount of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) may not be enough to cover your expenses. When serious injuries occur, medical bills can easily run into the thousands. It may be difficult for you to pay these out of pocket. Additionally, having a higher coverage amount for PIP would help cover lost wages associated with being off work. Having more than the minimum coverage amount for PIP it offers greater financial protection in the event of serious injury.

How to get the most out of your OBEL coverage by understanding the benefits and limitations

When accident or injury strikes, the cost of treatment can quickly skyrocket. Thankfully, New York state offers the Optional Basic Economic Loss (OBEL) coverage to help ease some of the financial burden. Knowing how to get the most out of your OBEL coverage requires understanding the benefits and limitations associated with it. You should speak with your insurance company and a attorney. This gives you a better chance at ensuring that you receive all of the accident-related medical and income loss. You can receive the necessary resources needed to cover accident-related expenses and stay on track financially during difficult times.

In conclusion, optional basic economic loss (OBEL) coverage is important for New Yorkers to consider when deciding if they want to add additional personal injury protection in addition to their standard policy. OBEL helps provide financial security in the event you are at fault and injured in an accident, and it can also give you peace of mind knowing that your insurance company will pay for the necessary medical costs associated with bodily harm from a car accident. You should ensure that you are knowledgeable about what OBEL covers and its limitations in order to get the most out of your policy. Ultimately, making sure that you have adequate personal injury protection is essential whether you carry only the minimum or more than the minimum coverage amount. We hope this article was informative and can help guide people to make the best decision for their individual needs when considering adding OBEL coverage.


Categories: No-fault